Monday, April 6, 2009

Postscript - A Final Farewell.

A beautiful and very emotional ceremony was held yesterday for Mitsuru "Mike" Yamauchi.

The chapel was packed for the visitation. It was proper homage for a man who gave so much to his family and really impacted all he met with his kindness and sincerity.

The service afterward was also befitting a man who had so many friends and a family that cared for him deeply. The eulogies given by his daughters were as one would expect when a daughter is talking about their father. I had a lot of trouble keeping composed during the ceremony as the eldest girls spoke of their "Papa".

When the youngest of three took her place at the podium the empathy I felt for her was enormous. I have been in this exact spot three times within a span of 11 months for both my parents and a close friend. I knew what she was feeling however, I lost my parents in my fourties, so I have a lifetime of memories and good thoughts to draw from and to help comfort me.

We all witnessed an extremely brave young woman, barely in her teens trying to sum up in a few words what her father meant to her. When she broke down, her sisters were there to lend support. They leaned on each other and incredibly made it through.

After that, some of his closest friends spoke about Mike and how they met. They told stories of their friendship, how they met and what he meant to them. They were just as emotional as the family.

It is never easy saying goodbye to a friend.

I was terrified and very honoured to be asked to speak on behalf of the team. The man and the family deserve the support, what little I could give.

Honestly though,I am very proud of my girls. All wearing their team sweaters in an act of solidarity and sympathy with their families along for support of their teammate and friend. They through their presence at the service and later when they each lined up to offer individual condolence to the family, proved beyond a shadow of doubt what a truly special group this is.

If nothing else, they helped ease the pain of loss, even for a little while. I saw a team rally around one of their own. It is never easy to know what to say to people who have experienced a loss like this. As mentioned in the previous posting, this is a first for me and I was flying blind as well.

Thanks to all the families who attended and offered kind words and support to the family.

Thanks especially to the girls who came and stood as one to offer strength in a very emotional situation. It was not comfortable nor a life lesson we had planned for the season but one that is a valuable experience. It illustrates perfectly that they are not alone in times of sadness, they can always rely on their team to be there for them.

Our hearts go out to the entire family and to everyone who was there to pay their last respects.

Mike you will be forever missed but never forgotten.

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