I am starting down a new path and I am excited about it but, nervous as well. More on that as we move forward on this last Boston and Euro Odyssey.
We started against the worst draw of all opponents that we could possibly draw. The Aeros entry. Even if they don't practice together, most players have played with one another enough to be able to generate what looks like a potent, rehearsed offensive attack.
The organic team growth and gaining strength and momentum experiment is once again being put to the test. This is probably a team that given some time and the right breaks, especially, the entire roster healthy and committed, could be in the top third of this tourney.
We take the cards we are dealt and we try to enhance the chances of the team by allowing them to play to their strengths. In the meantime, we try to juggle line ups and combinations to give us the best chance to win.
The game was close for the first half and we were 1-1 for a good portion. Then we went down 3-1 but, fought back to make it an even chance game. They scored a highly skilled goal in the last couple of minutes to make it 4-1.
All in all not a completely disappointing result. They pushed hard but we just ran out of gas. The short bench has forced our hands to to move two defence up and play three forward lines and four defence. The goalies I have complete confidence in and as usual, let them figure out their rotation between each other. Truth: Confidence shown in players to be part of some decisions helps foster the organic process and allows them to be more confident in their game because of the sense of ownership and control.
End of Game One - Chapter One.
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