It's been a while since I have posted something here. You have to admit though I was on quite a roll for a while.
In hindsight (the great equalizer) maybe a bit too introspective or personal in my postings but, as I said when I first launched this blog - it's my yard and I'll do what I want in it.
Things have changed so much in my coaching life that I am still adapting to the changes and learning to be a supporting character to the head coach.
The interesting fact of this whole scenario is that even my role has changed slightly to what I had originally signed on for. It is not the end of the world by any stretch, just a different philosophy and way of approaching things from the development standpoint.
The most exciting thing about moving forward is the fact I will be not only a presence on the bench but also from a larger behind the scenes development and writing viewpoint. So although not what I expected to start, the potential for me personally is exciting.
Tryouts have come and gone and to be honest I felt like a ghost, I was so far behind the scenes. It was a completely different dynamic for me.
I am so used to being on the ice and interacting with the players on a personal level, my hands were in my pockets for the first hour as I had no official duties to keep myself occupied. It is all part of learning to adapt to the particular situation and trying to establish worth without actually running the show. Something I had to learn, pitch in wherever and whenever needed.
Hence the term - support. I am beginning to get it now.
Honestly though, what I have missed most is being around the rink more than one or two nights. In year's past, I would spend four or five days at the rink helping out or stepping on the ice. The joy of seeing familiar faces as they graduated from one program and team to the next. Passing the time with former players and families, seeing where they are and where they are going.
Especially missed this season is the last team I coached, I was very interested in seeing where the players went and with whom. Some stayed with the Storm, some went to other organizations, one raised the bar and jumped a level - another is moving to boys hockey.
I am trying to schedule myself to be able to get myself out to see them play and catch up this season but, whereas I may have been more available with scenario #1, it may be more limited with the latest changes which we will call scenario #2.
I wish all the players the best this coming season and let them know I am available if they need me, for references, letters of recommendation or just to brag about how great they are doing by e-mail.
Now as I sit here and twiddle my thumbs waiting for the next move, I have to keep myself busy so I am allocating a great deal of time with the next incarnation of Level 100.
This will be a work in progress for the next couple of years. We are trying to establish a foundation of development that will be different and rewarding to all involved.
We have to learn how to walk before we can run but the biggest part of this whole thing is, as a former boss once told me, "We gotta put the m-F'n nails in the m-F'n wood or the whole m-F'er will be down around our ears!"
Better get to hammering.
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